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Browse "Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database / MS SQL" Questions:
Q7750010: Which database driver do you recommend to use with Microsoft SQL Server?
It is strongly recommended to use the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL). This provider will be updated by Microsoft with the most recent server features going forward. It also supports encryption standards, whereas other Microsoft providers don't. ActiveXperts fully supports MSOLEDBSQL. To install the MSOLEDBSQL driver (if not installed yet), see FAQ #7750020. In ActiveXperts Network Monitor version 2022 and lower, ActiveXperts recommended the 'SQL Server Native Client (SNAC)' driv...
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database / MS SQL

Q7750020: How to install the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL)?
The Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL) is recommended by Microsoft, but it is NOT installed by default on most Server platforms. For installation guidelines, please use the following URL: IMPORTANT NOTE: MSOLEDBSQL requires the "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 14.34" or higher. On 64-bit systems, you need to install both the 64-bit and 32-bit runtime packages,...
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database / MS SQL

Q7750022: I try to install the "Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL)" database driver, but the installer keeps giving me the message: "This application requires Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 (x64/x86, version 14.34 at minimum)."
See FAQ #7750020.
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database / MS SQL

Q7750024: What would a typical MS SQL Server based connection string look like?
For the statistical database, a typical MS SQL based connection string would look like this: Provider=MSOLEDBSQL19;Server=;Uid=sa;Pwd=mysecretpassword;Encrypt=no;Trust Server Certificate=True;Database=ActiveXpertsNM
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database / MS SQL

Q7750110: Can I migrate the statistical database to MS SQL Server Express Edition? If yes, how can this be done?
Yes, MS SQL Express Edition is supported. For a list of suppported SQL Express versions, see FAQ #7750115 Migration to MS SQL Server Express Edition can be done in the same way as migrating to MS SQL Server, with only one difference: you MUST specify the instance ID of the SQL Server Express Edition database in the 'Host' field. For example, if the name of the database server is named 'DbServer01', and the instance id of the database is named 'SQLExpress', then specify 'DbServer01\SQLExpress...
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database / MS SQL

Q7750117: Which database driver should I select for my Microsoft SQL Express statistical database?
ActiveXperts Network Monitor supports the following database drivers for Microsoft SQL Express: Microsoft SQL Express 2022: {MSOLEDBSQL} {SQL Server} Mcrosoft SQL Express 2017 and 2019: {MSOLEDBSQL} {SQL Server} {SQL Server Native Client} NOTE: ActiveXperts does NOT support ODBC Driver 17, ODBC Driver 18 and SQL Server Native Client RDA 11.0 on Microsoft SQL Express 2022 The database driver can be selected during database migration in the 'Reports and Graphs Conf...
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database / MS SQL

Q7750115: Which versions of Microsoft SQL Express are supported?
ActiveXperts Network Monitor supports the latest versions of Microsoft SQL Express. ActiveXperts Network Monitor v.2022 and v.2023 have full support for the following SQL Express versions: Microsoft SQL Express 2022 Microsoft SQL Express 2019 Microsoft SQL Express 2017
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database / MS SQL

Q7750125: When I open the ActiveXperts Reports and Graphs Configuration Tool, I get an error: "Unable to connect [Driver={SQL Server};Server=sqlserver01;UID=ax_sql_admin;pwd=**************], error 0x80004005, Unspecified error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SSL Security Error". What should I do?
This is most likely caused by the fact that your SQL server requires TLS (Transport Layer Security). If TLS is enabled on the SQL Server, the {SQL Server} driver on the ActiveXperts monitoring server won't work; you must use the {SQL Server Native Client} driver instead. The {SQL Server Native Client} may already be installed on your system; if not, you can download it from the Microsoft web site. We recommend the following steps: First, start the ActiveXperts Reports and Graphs Configuration T...
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database / MS SQL

Q7750125: What is the maximum size of a Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition (SQL CE) database?
The maximum size of a 'Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition (SQL CE)' database is 4 GB. SQL CE is designed as an embedded database engines. The size limits are relatively small compared to MS SQL Server and MySQL, which can handle much larger databases. If you require a larger database size, you might need to consider mifrating to MS SQL Server or MySQL.
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database / MS SQL

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