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ActiveXperts Network Component SNMP MIB object

A management information base (MIB) is a database used to manage the devices in a communications network. The database is hierarchical (tree-structured) and entries are addressed through object identifiers (OID's).

A MIB should contain information on these commands and on the target objects (controllable entities or potential sources of status information) with a view to tuning the network transport to the current needs. Each type of object in a MIB database has a name, a syntax, and an encoding. The name is represented uniquely as an OID. An OID is an administratively assigned name. The administrative policies used for assigning names are discussed later in this memo.

Use Network Component's 'SnmpMibBrowser' object to load a MIB database into memory and iterate over all objects and view all properties.

Overview of all Network Component objects:

DnsServer & DnsRecord - Ftp & FtpFile - Http - Icmp - IPtoCountry - Msn - Ntp - Radius - Rsh - Scp - SFtp - Ssh - SnmpManager - SnmpTrapManager - SnmpMibBrowser - Tcp - Tftp - TraceRoute - Udp - Xen - Wake-on-LAN - Xen (Citrix)

SnmpTrapManager Sample code

Visual Basic .NET sample: Load a MIB file and browse through it

Imports AxNetwork

Module SnmpMib

    Sub Main()
        Dim objConstants As SocketConstants = New SocketConstants
        Dim objSnmpMIB As SnmpMibBrowser = New SnmpMibBrowser
        Dim strMibFile As String = ""
        Dim bVerbose As Boolean = False

        strMibFile = ReadInput("Enter MIB file", "c:\windows\system32\mib_ii.mib")
        If (ReadInput("Verbose output (y/n) ?", "n") = "y") Then
            bVerbose = True
            bVerbose = False
        End If

        Console.WriteLine("MIB File: " & strMibFile)
        Console.WriteLine("LoadMibFile, result: " & objSnmpMIB.LastError.ToString() )
        If (objSnmpMIB.LastError = 0) Then

            ShowMIBTree(objSnmpMIB, objConstants, bVerbose)
        End If

        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000) ' Sleep for 5 seconds 
    End Sub

    Private Sub ShowMIBTree(ByVal objSnmpMIB, ByVal objConstants, ByVal bVerbose)

        Dim objSnmp As SnmpObject
        Dim strDescription, strAccess, strStatus As String
        Dim nDescription As Int32

        ' Start with "iso"
        objSnmp = objSnmpMIB.Get("iso")

        While (objSnmpMIB.LastError = 0)

            If (bVerbose = True) Then
                strDescription = objSnmp.Description.ToString().ReplaceEx(vbCrLf,"[nl]").ReplaceEx(vbLf,"[nl]")
                nDescription = strDescription.Length
                If (nDescription > 40) Then

                    strDescription = strDescription.Substring(0, 40)
                    strDescription = strDescription & "..."
                End If
                If (objSnmp.Access = objConstants.asMIB_ACCESS_NOACCESS) Then
                    strAccess = "NOACCESS"
                ElseIf (objSnmp.Access = objConstants.asMIB_ACCESS_NOTIFY) Then
                    strAccess = "NOTIFY"
                ElseIf (objSnmp.Access = objConstants.asMIB_ACCESS_READONLY) Then
                    strAccess = "READONLY"
                ElseIf (objSnmp.Access = objConstants.asMIB_ACCESS_WRITEONLY) Then
                    strAccess = "WRITEONLY"
                ElseIf (objSnmp.Access = objConstants.asMIB_ACCESS_READWRITE) Then
                    strAccess = "READWRITE"
                ElseIf (objSnmp.Access = objConstants.asMIB_ACCESS_READCREATE) Then
                    strAccess = "READCREATE"
                    strAccess = "n/a"
                End If

                If (objSnmp.Status = objConstants.asMIB_STATUS_CURRENT) Then
                    strStatus = "CURRENT"
                ElseIf (objSnmp.Status = objConstants.asMIB_STATUS_DEPRECATED) Then
                    strStatus = "DEPRECATED"
                ElseIf (objSnmp.Status = objConstants.asMIB_STATUS_OBSOLETE) Then
                    strStatus = "OBSOLETE"
                ElseIf (objSnmp.Status = objConstants.asMIB_STATUS_MANDATORY) Then
                    strStatus = "MANDATORY"
                    strStatus = "n/a"
                End If

                Console.WriteLine("  OID: " & objSnmp.OID.ToString())
                Console.WriteLine("  Description: " & strDescription)
                Console.WriteLine("  Syntax: " & objSnmp.Syntax.ToString())
                Console.WriteLine("  Access: " & strAccess)
                Console.WriteLine("  Status: " & strStatus)
            End If
            objSnmp = objSnmpMIB.GetNext()

        End While
    End Sub

    Private Function ReadInput(ByVal strTitle, ByVal strDefault) As String
        Dim strInput As String = ""
        Console.Write("  > ")
        strInput = Console.ReadLine()
        If (strInput = "") Then
            strInput = strDefault
        End If
        ReadInput = strInput
    End Function

End Module

Visual C# .NET Sample: Load a MIB file and browse through it

using System;
using AxNetwork;

namespace SnmpMib
   /// <summary>
   /// Summary description for SnmpMibBrowser.
   /// </summary>
   class SnmpMib
      /// <summary>
      /// The main entry point for the application.
      /// </summary>
      static void Main(string[] args)
        SnmpMibBrowser    objSnmpMIB = new SnmpMibBrowser();
        SocketConstants    objConstants = new SocketConstants();
        string        strMibFile = "";
        bool        bVerbose = false;
        strMibFile = ReadInput( "Enter MIB file", "c:\\windows\\system32\\mib_ii.mib" );
        bVerbose = ReadInput( "Verbose output (y/n) ?", "n" ) == "y";
        Console.WriteLine( "MIB File: " + strMibFile );
        objSnmpMIB.LoadMibFile( strMibFile );
        Console.WriteLine( "LoadMibFile, result: " + objSnmpMIB.LastError.ToString() );
        if( objSnmpMIB.LastError == 0 )
          ShowMIBTree( objSnmpMIB, objConstants, bVerbose );
        Console.WriteLine( "Ready." );
        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000);  // Sleep for 5 seconds 

      static private void ShowMIBTree(SnmpMibBrowser objSnmpMIB,SocketConstants objConstants,
                                      bool bVerbose)
         SnmpObject    objSnmp;
         string      strDescription, strAccess, strStatus;
         Int32      nDescription;
         // Start with "iso"
         objSnmp = ( SnmpObject ) objSnmpMIB.Get( "iso" );
         while( objSnmpMIB.LastError == 0 )
            Console.WriteLine( objSnmp.Path );
            if( bVerbose )
               nDescription = strDescription.Length;
               if( nDescription > 40 )
                  strDescription = strDescription.Substring( 0, 40 );
                  strDescription += "...";
               if( objSnmp.Access == objConstants.asMIB_ACCESS_NOACCESS )
                 strAccess = "NOACCESS";
               else if( objSnmp.Access == objConstants.asMIB_ACCESS_NOTIFY )
                 strAccess = "NOTIFY";
               else if( objSnmp.Access == objConstants.asMIB_ACCESS_READONLY )
                 strAccess = "READONLY";
               else if( objSnmp.Access == objConstants.asMIB_ACCESS_WRITEONLY )
                 strAccess = "WRITEONLY";
               else if( objSnmp.Access == objConstants.asMIB_ACCESS_READWRITE )
                 strAccess = "READWRITE";
               else if( objSnmp.Access == objConstants.asMIB_ACCESS_READCREATE )
                 strAccess = "READCREATE";
                 strAccess = "n/a";
               if( objSnmp.Status == objConstants.asMIB_STATUS_CURRENT )
                 strStatus = "CURRENT";
               else if( objSnmp.Status == objConstants.asMIB_STATUS_DEPRECATED )
                 strStatus = "DEPRECATED";
               else if( objSnmp.Status == objConstants.asMIB_STATUS_OBSOLETE )
                 strStatus = "OBSOLETE";
               else if( objSnmp.Status == objConstants.asMIB_STATUS_MANDATORY )
                 strStatus = "MANDATORY";
                 strStatus = "n/a";
               Console.WriteLine( "  OID: " + objSnmp.OID.ToString() );
               Console.WriteLine( "  Description: " + strDescription );
               Console.WriteLine( "  Syntax: " + objSnmp.Syntax.ToString() );
               Console.WriteLine( "  Access: " + strAccess );
               Console.WriteLine( "  Status: " + strStatus );
            objSnmp = ( SnmpObject ) objSnmpMIB.GetNext();

      static private string ReadInput( string strTitle, string strDefault )
         string strInput = "";
         Console.WriteLine( strTitle );
         Console.Write("  > ");
         strInput = Console.ReadLine();
         if( strInput == "" ) 
           strInput = strDefault;
         return strInput;

On, you can find a lot of Network Component samples. These samples are also part of the Network Component installation.
